• Reviews are conducted in a double-blind peer-review, where the Author and the Reviewer do not know each other.
  • Reviewer registered in the Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab (JUITA)) has the right to submit his/her article to the Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab (JUITA) Translation for publication. The editor will continue to adhere to the double-blind peer-reviewer principle, so the script submitted by the author registered as a reviewer will be handed over to another revisor.
  • Reviewer must have had writing experience in Accredited National Journal (online) with indicated by indexers such as Google Scholar, for at least 2 years back.
  • Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab (JUITA) does not require the use of at least two (two) reviewers per script, since each Editor (Section Editor) is the initial “Reviewer” of every script assigned to him. Section Editor will review each script up to the substance level, so it has the right to reject or forward the process to the indicator of the reviewer.
  • The indication of the revisor complements the assessment already made by the previous Section editor, so choosing one (one) or more Reviewer is a decision of the Editor (Section) that can be discussed with the chief/managing editor, taking into account the readiness and quality of the script.