Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab 2024-11-19T17:44:03+00:00 Joko Priyono Open Journal Systems <p data-sider-select-id="6d8f266d-e7eb-4eaf-a94e-d6074aef606b"> </p> <p data-sider-select-id="6d8f266d-e7eb-4eaf-a94e-d6074aef606b"><em><strong data-sider-select-id="c1ecad7c-2647-4aed-95c7-6db9ccd6e9ec">JUITA (Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab)</strong></em> is published periodically (in April and October) by Sekolah Tinggi Teologi Injili Indonesia Samarinda, East Kalimantan, Indonesia. The purpose of this journal is to publish scientific works resulting from the interpretation of the Old Testament and the New Testament, both in the level of words, phrases, verses, chapters, books, even canons.</p> <p data-sider-select-id="6d8f266d-e7eb-4eaf-a94e-d6074aef606b"><em><strong data-sider-select-id="c1ecad7c-2647-4aed-95c7-6db9ccd6e9ec">JUITA (Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab)</strong></em> accepts articles for any subject and approach but based on Bible texts and gospel theological insights. All incoming articles will be evaluated by bestari partners in private (blind review process). The article submitted must be the original work of the author that has not been published in a journal or other publication in any language.</p> <p data-sider-select-id="6d8f266d-e7eb-4eaf-a94e-d6074aef606b">p-ISSN <a href="">3032 7989</a> ; Nomor SK ISSN: 30327989/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/03/2024</p> <p data-sider-select-id="6d8f266d-e7eb-4eaf-a94e-d6074aef606b">e-ISSN <a class="font-weight-bold" href="">3062 9306</a> ; Nomor SK ISSN: 30629306/II.7.4/SK.ISSN/07/2024</p> Kontemplasi atau Konservasi? Makna dan Motif “Merenungkan Taurat TUHAN” dalam Mazmur 1:2b melalui Penyelidikan Naskah dan Sejarah 2024-11-15T14:57:57+00:00 Paulus Dimas Prabowo Joko Lelono Agustina Sulastri Modok Titus Titus <p><em>The word ‘meditate’ in Psalm 1:2b has various translations in ancient manuscripts, which are at least divided into two camps, namely manuscripts that support the translation ‘meditate’ including the Masoretic, Septuagint, Theodotion, Peshitta, Vulgate, and Targum and manuscripts that support the translation ‘speak aloud’ including Aquila, Symmachus, Quinta, Sexta, and Syro-Hexapla. The translation of ‘meditate’ relates to reading quietly and paying attention to the mind, while the translation of ‘speak aloud’ relates to reading out loud for others to hear. In turn, it appears that there are differences in motives between the two, namely the motives of contemplation and conservation. Based on a study using the textual criticism method, with consideration of consistency and context, it can be seen that the blessed according to Psalm 1:2b are those who like to contemplate the Law of the LORD. The contemplation activity is private, in the context of learning, with the practice of reading silently. The goal is to experience spiritual growth and knowledge.</em></p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab Pesan Teologis Penggunaan Nama Gabungan Allah אֵ֣ל שַׁדַּ֔י (El-Shaddai) dalam Pentateukh 2024-07-01T03:46:08+00:00 Ragil Kristiawan <p><strong>Abstract</strong></p> <p>The Pentateuch gives the fact that for the first time God's composite name is introduced and used in the Bible. One of the famous names of God is El-Shaddai where systematics experts always associate it with the power of God alone. The emergence of El-Shaddai in the Pentateuch provides the most significant theological message than any other part. This research seeks to explore that theological message. Using a topical approach to the Pentateuch text regarding the emergence of El-Shaddaí, several theological messages are produced: First, El-Shaddai is the One who is able to fulfill all His promises even though they seem impossible in the eyes of man (Gen. 17:1). Second, El-Shaddai is a source of blessing that will bless His people with good things (Gen. 28:3). Third, El-Shaddai is the One who definitely fulfills all His promises. His name is the guarantee of the fulfillment of what has been promised (Gen. 58:3; Ex. 6:2). Fourth, El-Shaddai will arrange all good things for the good of His own people. (43:14). Lastly, El-Shaddai will continue to protect His people from curses and will turn them into blessings (Num. 24:4, 16). God's miraculous providence will apply to the people who are faithful to Him.</p> <p> </p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab Sebuah Kontemplasi Mengandalkan Tuhan Di Era Disrupsi: Studi Analisis Paralelisme Antitesis Berdasarkan Mazmur 20:8-9 2024-08-23T03:05:17+00:00 Aska Aprilano Pattinaja Jacob Latumahina <p>Era disrupsi adalah suatu kondisi di mana nilai-nilai kebenaran mulai tergeser dan hilang dari akar dalam kehidupan manusia. Salah satu hal yang memprihatinkan adalah keputusan manusia, termasuk orang percaya, untuk lebih mengandalkan kekuatan diri sendiri dan faktor lain, seperti uang, kekayaan, status, jabatan dan kekuasaan. Berdasarkan paparan di atas, maka penelitian ini dilakukan sebagai bentuk kontemplasi dan peringatan bagi orang percaya agar sadar dan kembali mengandalkan Tuhan. Melalui studi hermeneutik sub genre sastra penafsiran puisi, maka penelitian ini menemukan beberapa hal penting: <em>Pertama</em>, memilih mengandalkan Tuhan atau tidak adalah pilihan kehendak bebas setiap manusia; <em>Kedua</em>, menaruh harapan dan kepercayaan sepenuhnya kepada Tuhan adalah pilihan yang sangat tepat; <em>Ketiga</em>, hasil akhir dari mereka yang mengandalkan Tuhan adalah keberhasilan dan kesuksesan. Penelitian ini berfungsi sebagai peringatan bagi orang percaya untuk berhati-hati dalam memilih, agar tidak mengabaikan kebergantungan kepada Tuhan.</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab Pergaulan yang Bijak: Analisis Amsal 13:20 dan Aplikasinya terhadap Generasi Z 2024-08-06T08:54:10+00:00 Vinny Elvira Walintukan Ashar Mapule <p><em>Social interaction is an unavoidable condition in social life. Scanning the social interactions of Generation Z in the current era, it is very free. Free social interaction means unlimited or uncontrolled interaction that can damage the morals of Generation Z. This research aims to discover Theological Principles in Proverbs 13:20 as advice for Generation Z in their daily interactions. This research method uses qualitative research methods with a literature study approach. The research results show that the theological principles in Proverbs 13:20 are: First, </em><em>a</em> <em>w</em><em>ise </em><em>p</em><em>erson is </em><em>o</em><em>ne </em><em>w</em><em>ho </em><em>p</em><em>rocesses with God. Second, </em><em>a</em> <em>w</em><em>ise </em><em>p</em><em>erson is </em><em>o</em><em>ne </em><em>w</em><em>ho is </em><em>c</em><em>onsistent. Third, </em><em>t</em><em>he </em><em>r</em><em>ole of </em><em>c</em><em>ommunity in </em><em>s</em><em>ocial </em><em>i</em><em>nteraction. Fourth, </em><em>c</em><em>hoices and </em><em>c</em><em>onsequences. Fifth, </em><em>t</em><em>he </em><em>c</em><em>oncept of </em><em>f</em><em>oolishness. Proverbs 13:20 teaches the importance of choosing friends and social environments. Generation Z is expected to apply these principles of wisdom in their lives to achieve a meaningful life that aligns with God's will.</em></p> 2024-11-16T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab Pelayanan Anak dalam Pandangan Yesus Kristus Berdasarkan Matius 18:6 2024-11-11T05:20:56+00:00 Ryan Madunde <p>Every human being is loved and valued by God, from children to adults. A congregation of God consists of children to adults so church service is ultimately differentiated based on the age spectrum. Known as children's ministry, youth ministry, men's ministry, women's ministry and so on that may be added to a church. Of the many services that exist in a church, children's ministry is often considered less important and even neglected. Even though Jesus himself gave a serious view of children who believe in Jesus need to be served seriously as stated in Matthew 18:6, meaning that trust and understanding of who God is worshiped must be built early. It is a mistake when the church has the perspective that to understand what one believes, one must wait for the person to have a mature enough mind to understand what one believes. As a result, the next generation of the church, from children to adults, is not good at understanding what they think. Since they tend to be late in preparing themselves, there needs to be a perspective of how Jesus views children's ministry as something important and serious for God's church.</p> <p><strong>Keywords:</strong> Ministry, Children, Jesus, Church, Perspective</p> <p><strong>Abstrak</strong></p> <p>Setiap manusia dikasihi dan dipandang berharga oleh Allah, mulai dari anak-anak sampai kepada orang dewasa. Dan dalam sebuah gereja Tuhan terdiri dari anak-anak sampai kepada orang dewasa, sehingga dalam sebuah pelayanan gereja pada akhirnya dibedakan berdasarkan spectrum usia. Dikenal dengan pelayanan anak, pemuda, pria, wanita dan lain sebagainya yang mungkin dapat ditambahkan dalam sebuah gereja. Dari sekian banyak pelayanan dalam sebuah gereja, seringkali pelayanan anak dianggap kurang penting dan bahkan terabaikan. Padahal Yesus sendiri memberikan padangan yang serius tentang anak yang percaya kepada Yesus perlu dilayani dengan serius sebagaimana tertuang dalam Matius 18:6, artinya kepercayaan dan pemahaman akan siapa Allah yang disembah harus dibangun sejak dini. Sebuah kesalahan ketika gereja memiliki perspektif, bahwa untuk memahami apa yang diimani harus menunggu orang tersebut memiliki pikiran yang cukup dewasa untuk memahami apa yang diimani. Akibatnya generasi gereja berikutnya, mulai dari anak-anak sampai dewasa sebenarnya mereka kurang baik dalam memahami apa yang diimani. Sebab cenderung terlambat dalam mempersiapkannya, maka dari itu perlu memiliki perspektif tentang bagaimana Yesus memandang pelayanan anak sebagai sesuatu yang penting dan serius bagi gereja Tuhan.</p> <p><strong>Kata Kunci: </strong>Pelayanan, Anak, Yesus, Gereja, Perspektif</p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab Karakter Pelayan Tuhan di Tengah Arus Postmodernisme Berdasarkan 2 Timotius 2:2-6 2024-09-17T04:42:04+00:00 Robert Stefanus Hia <p><em>This study aims to investigate the meaning and implementation of the character of a servant of God based on 2 Timothy 2:2-6 in the context of the development of the postmodernist movement. In 2 Timothy 2:2-6, Paul emphasizes the importance of the character of a good servant of God, amidst the onslaught of the spirit of relativism and individualism in the postmodern era. Although this teaching has been around for centuries, there is still a gap in understanding and application in today's church ministry. This study uses a qualitative approach with the epistolary genre exegesis method and literature study. The results of the study indicate that the character of a servant of God must be post-individualistic, meaning that a servant of God must remain social even though he does not agree with the spirit of individualism. The character of a servant of God must also be post-rationalistic, meaning that even though he does not agree with the spirit of relativism, it does not make the servant of God "gray" in thinking or "anti-intellectual." In conclusion, 2 Timothy 2:2-6 provides a deep understanding of the principles of the character of a servant of God for the church of God in facing the challenges of the postmodernist movement.</em></p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab Makna Kesetiaan dalam Perjanjian Allah: Analisis Kontekstual Kitab Hosea 2024-11-19T17:44:03+00:00 Joko Priyono Andarias Pangngaroan Rahel Rati Sarungallo <p><em>This study examines God's faithfulness in the book of Hosea by highlighting its relationship to covenant theology, which is at the heart of God's relationship with His people. The book of Hosea depicts God's faithfulness through the symbolism of Hosea's marriage to Gomer, which reflects a loving and forgiving relationship amidst the unfaithfulness of the people. This study seeks to fill the gap of previous research that has mainly focused on the symbolic aspect of Hosea's story, emphasising the theological meaning of God's faithfulness in the covenantal context. Through the literature review method, this study explores the nature of God's faithfulness, its relationship to covenant theology, and its implications for Christian faith. The findings show that God's faithfulness goes beyond formal attachments, involving a deep love that restores unfaithful people. The research affirms that God's faithfulness is the basis of restoration and hope, which is culminated in the fulfilment of the covenant through Jesus Christ.</em></p> 2024-10-31T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Jurnal Ilmiah Tafsir Alkitab