Bersukacitalah Senantiasa: Sebuah Perintah Di Tengah Masa Disrupsi Menurut Filipi 4:4
Rejoice continually, in the time of destruction, Philippians 4:4Abstract
This study aims to investigate the meaning and implications of the commandment for everlasting joy, as contained in Paul's letter to the congregation in Philippi, in the context of the disruptive times faced by individuals and modern societies. In Philippians 4:4, Paul emphasizes the importance of a joyful attitude in God, even in situations full of trouble and uncertainty. However, although this teaching has existed for centuries, there is still a gap in theoretical and practical understanding of how this concept can be applied and understood in the context of daily life that is full of disruption. Through an interdisciplinary approach that integrates theology, psychology, and social sciences, this research will explore how this concept of joy is understood and practiced by individuals and societies in the face of the challenges of the hard times. Thus, this research is expected to provide a new insight that is beneficial to our understanding of how to live a life full of joy and hope, even in the midst of striking trials.
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